Since this blog is supposed to be about my creative process, as well as my everyday ramblings, I am happy to say that my creative mojo is back! Not sure why it happens, but sometimes it hibernates for months at a time. I have been asked to explain my process of scrapbooking, and how I decide what to scrap, what to not. If you've seen my scrap loft, you'll know I scrapbook more than the average girl. Most people don't have a room just for scrapbooking. I am lucky I can. Well...I sort of just took it!
Anyway, my process in nothing out of the ordinary, but using page planners really helps me get from piles of supplies and photos to finished process (a page) or as we say in the scrap world, a layout. So here's my method of madness:
Moment or event happens...take photo! take lots of photos! A digital SLR gives you the option to do just that. Snap like crazy. I leave my camera out all the time~ I've caught many moments I would have missed had I not had it easily accessible. "Ethel" usually hangs out on my built in desk...seems to be a good spot around our house.
Download photos to computer, and immediately to Shutterfly. I try not to wait, otherwise I forget to do it. Sometimes I place an order right away, most of the time I wait until I have a good amount to pay shipping on. Shipping can be pricey, but the quality and wait is worth it. I've tried Costco, I know some people swear by there, but I don't. Reason: too many bad experiences. It's just personal preference. Plus, I love getting a package in the mail from Shutterfly! :)
Next, I event/occasion. I have a storage box I work from that is almost always full, sometimes I have to use another one. At that point, I use a 3x5 card standing on it's end to tab these photos. It typically says, the event/month/year. When I have photos that are random, usually single photos that I want to capture in my scrapbook, I set them aside for a tab with "moments" for later...sometimes that can be weeks or even months. It all depends. If I know I have a photo I want to highlight as a single photo on a layout, I will order it in a 5x7, that way I'm ready to roll when the creativity hits...
Now onto page planners. I find the best way to join papers with photos is to use these. They are an old school item from Cropper Hopper, but they do a great job. They house the photos of that event/occasion/moment, along with the papers, stickers, journaling tags and all embellishments I'd like to use with them. It's definitely not a fool proof plan, but it works for me, and I'm stickin' to it~ SCRAP ON!
Thank you for sharing and inspiring!
I must get things sorted from my trip so that my ideas don't start to fade.
Posted by: Julia | 08/15/2010 at 10:01 AM